Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Giggles, Crib & Formula

On Friday Cooper gave us his first giggle! It was the cutest thing I ever heard. Him and I were just talking googly talk on the couch when I attempted to lightly tickle him. At first he just grunted and then he let it out. It was just so funny when I realized he just giggled I couldn't stop giggling. We had to call Grandma & Grandpa Forakis and let them hear it over the phone. We weren't able to call anyone else before he didn't think it was fun anymore. Unfortunately we haven't been able to get him to giggle ever since. When we do though it will be caught on video.

Also Cooper has been sleeping in his crib, in his room, like a normal baby since Saturday! He isn't sleeping through the night yet but I decided it was time for him to move out of our room and into his own. He is doing very well though he will sleep for 5 hours and then wake up every 3 hours after that. Hopefully he will start sleeping all the way through the night soon.

He will also be on forumal in a weeks time. We are so close to running out of frozen breast milk so we decided it was time to make the switch. We are slowly integrating the forumla into the breast milk. So for the first few days it will be 3/4 breast milk & 1/4 forumla the 1/2 & 1/2 for a few days and then 1/4 breast milk & 3/4 formula. That is the plan anyway. If we run out of breast milk before then it might just be a jump to straight breast milk. Wish us luck!


M. M. C. C. said...

It's always an interesting transition putting them into their own room. I'm sure his sleeping will catch up with him soon. Also, did your milk dry up, or are you just done? Mine completely dried up one day and I couldn't get it back, even with pills and such. It really sucked cause I had been getting about 6 oz off of each side up to that point!! Anyway, let me know how it goes.