Thursday, January 24, 2008

Chubba Bubba

Ok so there are a couple of things you need to notice on the picture to the right! We have hit some milestones this week. I am sure they have been there for a while its just taken me this long to notice them. Our little man is FAT! Thats right he had a weigh in today at the docs office and he is ten pounds now. He gained two pounds in a month! If you will please check out the double chin and there are some rolls on his legs!!!!
Dr.Ralston was so happy to hear that he had gained so much weight. He did still stress that Cooper can't afford to get sick. Our real reason for being at the docs was the Jan. synagis shot. I hate it when he gets shots. He will be talking to me and the nurse, smiling, and then the next thing ya know he is screaming. Not moms favorite thing.
I do however enjoy the fact that he sleeps more on the days when he gets shots. It was really nice to come home after the docs office and lay down with Cooper and sleep for a couple extra hours. Especially since he has been waking me up every hour all night long. Its been rough. I do make sure that when he does wake up crying that its not just a whimper and then he falls back asleep. So there I am hovered over his crib moving his legs and rubbing his belly trying to get him to fart so I can go back to sleep. You would think that this would make him tired all morning. Oh no there he is in his crib at 7 am ready to go for the day. I hate it!!
He is just on formula now. He eats it just fine but his guts still are getting getting used to it. We are supposed to give it a week and if he isnt sleeping better then we are supposed to call the doc.


Meg said...

He is a cute Chunk!!

M. M. C. C. said...

that is so good he's gaining that much weight. he'll be up to normal weight in no time. how's the formula going? Chanler didn't do well with enfamil and would spit up every time we gave him similac so our formula of choice is Good Start. He does so good with it. What kind are you trying?