Friday, January 18, 2008

6 month Pictures

Its a couple weeks early, but my mom was in town and so we decided to get Cooper's 6 month pictures done. It was so easy this time around. He fell asleep on the car ride over to Kidde-Kandids, which made me nervous. I was afraid he would be grumpy because we were going to wake him up. He smiled and talked to the photographer. He only had one problem with one pose on his belly. We couldn't get him to smile like that. It was a good day for pictures!

He is having a bit of trouble adjusting to the transition into forumla. He seems to be extremely gassy. I guess that is understandable being such a big change in diet. He wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, farts and then falls back asleep. He will do this every one to two hours. It isn't so great for either of us right now. He is eating it just fine which is a good thing. Just need to wait for the digestive tract to catch up.


Meg said...

CUTE!!! Me and Levi love the bottom left picture!! And the whole farting and going back to sleep.. I thought every boy did that...!!