Saturday, April 12, 2008

SORRY Little man

I feel like the worst mommy ever! We had to take the bandages off tonight since they didn't fall off by themselves. I made sure Cooper had pain meds in his system so that it wouldn't hurt him. That idea didn't work at all!! Poor guy kept wiggling so I had to get Kris to hold him down. Yeah that just made it worse! Finally after fighting with him for 10 min I got it all off. OUCHY that doesn't look like any kind of pain I would want anyone to experience. Kris kringed and then had to leave the room. His poor little pecker is black & blue and the tip just looks raw. Not fun! Then of course then want me to put neosporin on it to help it heal and protect it from the diaper. Ha ha ha lets just say his tears hurt my heart. I have never heard him cry like that. To top it off I have to do that 3-4 a day! Hopefully its not like that every time.
Mommies be thankful your boys dont have to go throught this! It just breaks my heart, but if he didn't get it done he wouldn't have a normal life.


Ashley and Brett said...

That is so fun you guys have a blog! Now I can keep tabs on you! I can't get over how big Cooper is! He's so adorable. Can't believe how time flies. Good to hear from you! Keep in touch!