Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Love Day

So a while back I had posted that I was so excited about Kris's Valentines present and it was the best thing I had ever done for myself. Well I can spill the beans now because Kris doesn't read this often enough to know before hand what he is getting. While he was on his annual "man" trip snowmobiling in Jan. I had scheduled an "Intimate" photo shoot with a wonderful photographer in Mapleton, Ut. I was kind of nervous at first and then after an outfit change I had guts!!! Now ladies seriously there are NO excuses when it comes to doing one of these shoots. I am over weight, have serious stretch marks, love handles and saggy boobs! Its all about choosing the right clothing to wear and Kristi (photographer) is a miracle worker with photoshop! Here are a few photos that are appropriate enough to be placed on the internet. I hope you like them as much as I do.
Here is Kristi's website


M. M. C. C. said...

those turned out awesome! you are so brave!! I think I'll do some when I'm pretty pregnant again, but I don't know about after. what an awesome gift though.

emily barlocker scott said...

hot! what a good idea. you will have to tell me how your honey liked them.

Rhonda said...

I think you're brave and they turned out awesome, but I definitely don't think I could ever do something like that. Even before I had extra weight I wouldn't have done it. I'm a pansy!

As for puppies... I really really really want to keep the spotted girl from Iggy's litter! But I don't think I am going to. We already have 5 dogs and it's too much! We can usually take about 3 at a time on walks, and we just don't have time for another one... But I still cuddle with her and play with her for now!

Meg said...

YAY!! You finally fixed your blog! What was wrong with it? It was all goofy and to the left. Super sexy by the way... ooh lala