Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hunting & Bunko

So this last weekend we went up to Bear Lake. Saturday morning before the rooster crowed Kris & my dad were up getting all the things loaded for an early morning hunt. My dad was lucky enough to get a call the week before letting him know that someone had passed up a Bull Elk tag and it was his if he wanted it. DUH!! Anyone who knows anything about my dad is fall=hunting! Kris was excited to go out with him again this year because the Ranger was fully enclosed this time around. Last year it didn't have a wind shield or doors; so they basically froze! Unfortunately they saw one Elk but didn't get it.
By the time they got back we ladies and Cooper were up and ready to go. But we were trying to get appitizers ready for our "Couples Bunko" night. My mom really wanted to do it since Thursday was her birhtday. There were supposed to be 6 couples but one bailed out at the last minute so we had to have one ghost table. I had never played Bunko before but it is fun! Especially when you have a good group of people and a Keg of beer!! Randy likes to call that combo "Drunko" instead of Bunko. Which was true for most people. Especially him! He would get really excited and shout Bunko really loud and throw his arms up and I swear he was doing "spirit fingers". I had to be responsible so I only drank a little not so much that I was sober by the time we dragged mom & dad out! It was so much fun I am sure we will be doing it again in the future.


Jenilyn Anderson said...

I would love to go back to Logan and visit. I miss it there so much! If we could, we would live there because Derek and I have so many memories there together. I really want to come this Saturday, but I can't because my friend is having a baby and it is her shower that day and time. Argh! I would really like to see you sometime though. We will have to plan something sometime!