Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Real Change

I have never really had an interest to vote. I hate the politics that are involved. I actually like things about both candidates. How do you choose just one?
I do think that real change for this country will start with Congress. So to them I say:
Do your job as a PUBLIC SERVANT! Not solely based on your political affiliation. Come together as Americans with a sense of purpose, honesty and patriotism to move our country FORWARD! If you are no longer able to compromise, resign and let fresh, new, and eager minds that will develop and reach over party lines for the benefit of our country. We the people are tired of this non-sense. Try walking / working in our shoes on a daily basis. You would develop a different perspective about your "job" in Congress.
For this reason I think that term limits in Congress should be established. I think "life-time" pay should be removed. Congressmen/women serve your terms then come back & join us the rest of us Americans.