Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just an update

I know I haven't posted in a while but there hasn't been anything to awfully exciting. But now there is! I finally get to quit my night job!! YEAH I am so excited. I get to quit because we are expecting another Ottley to join our clan on August 19th. Its super hard to function off 7ish hours of sleep when pregnant. For me anyway! I am tired all the time. Also its really weird that I have been COLD since before I found out I was pregnant. If you know much about me I am hot blooded. Always always warm or even hot. Now I find myself in the opposite boat and its weird. But big fuzzy socks and naps in the sun are my new best friends. I am also debating actually buying a snuggie so I can sit at my computer and wear a blanket!! :)


Ashley and Brett said...

Conrats Nat! I am super excited for you guys!!!!